Is your throat is fine?

"Bastard, rogue" Scott cursed darkly and gritted his teeth.

This is very rare for someone like Scott to curse someone…mainly in front of Jean.

Jean looked at him in amusement but she is not totally surprised with this attitude of him, after all 'Hermes' is the reason he is forced to reveal his identity as CEO of Cyphers. Where as the other reason for his hatred was Edward Wright is somehow interested in working with Jean.

He might not be seeing Jean in 'that' manner still he is mysteriously wanted to strengthen the connections between INA and Hermes. Though no one know the reason for it still Scott could feel that he somehow wanted to hurt Jean.

"What should we do now" Jean leaned on to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Like a cute kitten she rubbed her face against his chest, after sensing that Scott loosened his stiffened muscles she gave a small yet passionate peck on his lips. But his face is unexpectedly cold and emotionless