Never blackmail a sister..

"Very first?.." Scott raised his eyebrow as he pressed her even more tightly in between door and his body.

"Yep, I have never felt like that ever before. Rick was first and later it is you" Jean chuckled.

"Rick??... When did you guys became that close. Huh…" Scott looked into her eyes with blazing fire. He already completed eating tons of vinegar and after listening her calling him intimately he couldn't stop but eat more and more of it.

Jean froze for a moment but smiled widely at his flushed face. Someone are so angry….and she loved it

"Haha….Scott, it is how friends call each other right" Jean laughed making him more annoyed.

"His name is Enrick, that is how you should call then. Why Rick?" Scott grabbed her chin and made her to look directly into his eyes.

"That is a long name. Rick is trendy and easy to call" Jean protested while smirking inside. It's been too long Scott acted this childish.

How cute...