I am impressed

Elder Summers looked at the young woman being escorted by his son into the room. She looked so beautiful and different, with one look he could differ her from others. She is special and unique, the way she carried herself and the radiance she emitted captivated him…

"Father, she is the CEO of INA. Ms. Jean" Stephen introduced Jean.

"Sir, it is my honor to meet you" Jean bowed her head slightly.

"The pleasure is all mine. I never thought a young woman like you can be this capable. You surprised me" Elder Summer sipped his tea and looked at her with bright eyes.

That eyes, they are as same as Scott's. When she saw his eyes twinkling she could only remember Scott and all her irrational fear vanished into thin air.

"Sir, you flatter me. I had help and I did what I was able to do, I am not alone" Jean felt in ease and she didn't hesitate to talk her heart out.

She is being 'real' her…