Sarah will be perfect

His assistant sat beside him silently, scribbling something in his tablet. "Ronald, Jean is still thinking we didn't find a loophole she and Seline created. Just keep quiet and make sure she is under our constant watch. I don't want her to get hurt again" he smiled sadly and gulped his wine in one go before filling it up again.

Little Jean knew that he found her hidden scheme on the day of their contract itself. He might be in hurry but his mind is always sharp and vigilant so it didn't take much time for him to find out the loop hole.

"Sir your sister called you earlier today. She wanted to know when you and young master would return back to country S" his assistant spoke.

William smiled and nodded his head. "I will pacify her anger after we go, just buy that necklace that would be auctioned day after tomorrow. It would be enough"

It is the same necklace Scott is interested to buy for his sister.