Grandfather meets Scott

The starting price set by auctioneer is one million dollars.

"One million fifty thousand dollars" Maria bided.

"Two million" Raymond shouted and winked at Scott.

"Two million twenty five thousand dollars" other person bided.

"Three million" Maria shouted.

"Four million" Raymond smirked.

"Eight million" Edward Wright bided while Maria and Elder Valdez frowned.

Jeff and Rick narrowed their eyes. Eight million is too much…

"Sixteen millions" Scott bided and looked mockingly ay him.

Maria sighed in relief. She knew that Scott is doing this for Jean. Rather than securing the watch in her father's vault it is better to give it to Jean..

"Twenty million" Raymond shouted and smirked at Scott. He is determined to give it to Jean by himself.

Jeff chuckled and nudged Enrick "Bro, best friends are fighting for themselves. The irony here is the watch will ultimately gifted to Jean"