The watch...

At morning Sianna woke up and smirked. Document papers and placed on her beside table and Steve is nowhere to be seen. He would have left after what he wanted from her.

But actually she don't care about it much. She got what she needed and he got his side of terms... it is nothing but a business deal for her.

Getting dressed up she called her Intel in ancestral home of Summers. He is personal assistant of Elder Summers….

"Ms. Sheldon, since five days none of us have went to the mansion. We are given holiday" he told her impatiently.

"Why?" she frowned.

"Don't know Miss. I think there is a fight going on between Elder Summers and his Elder son." He intentionally lied to her.

He betrayed his master by helping this sly woman whom he mistook as a perfect match for Scott Summers. But he was proven wrong when she started blackmailing him with his son's sex tapes. Which she intentionally drugged him and set him up..