How hell feels like

In Sean's penthouse…

A loud knock on his door woke him up. Growling annoyingly he opened the door only to see his father. There is a woman in his room so he shut it quickly and made his way to living room.

"What's wrong dad" he sounded impatient.

"Nothing is wrong dear son. We will be hitting Jack pot….how could it be a bad news" his father Steve laughed delightfully.

"Poor Scott, he doesn't know that Elder Sheldon wrote thirty percent of shares and half of his wealth to Sianna. He choose that bitch and left Sianna to you" he explained happily.

Little he knew it is Scott, who leaked this information to him in order to lure his greedy cousin to marry Sianna. Compared to Jean, she is nothing….she might have millions of net worth but Jean have billions and billions under her name.

"What do you mean by it dad." He yawned and burped as he drank half of the bar literally. He is yet to find out that Sianna's plan was a utter flop.