Big Brother

"We will come back later grandfather." Scott excused themselves and held Jean tight in his arms. When it comes to the persons she love, her heart will be the most fragile and sensitive being on earth.

Her grandparents patted her head lovingly. "Nothing will happen to Lillian. Don't worry honey…" they told.

But it is just a words of consolation. Jean is the doctor so she knew very well how the outcome will be.

"Baby, after you come back from country D, we will visit mother and father's grave okay" Scott kissed her forehead and they exited the house even without bothering to bid a good bye to certain some persons who are burning with jealousy.

After some hours…

In the VVIP ward of main branch of Valdez's hospitals…Lillian is still unconscious and she is kept on ventilator. Including with IV drip many wires were attached to her body…she looked like she is dying.