Inter level competition

"Easy Jean. Today's exam is not yet added. By tomorrow we will know who the real topper is…" Seline who just entered their room after knowing this from Meghan said softly .

"Still… there is no guarantee, right" Jean sulked.

Generous side of her heart is happy that Jake is the first topper. He deserve it, moreover he will also be invited to join the research development of the Valdez's…..his life would be settled.

But the selfish part of her is sad that she couldn't maintain her 'topper' name in her last year of main course.

"Jean… don't be stubborn. Sometimes you have to accept defeat" Seline spoke seriously and looked at Scott who assured her that he would take care of Jean.

After Seline went out of the room. Scott gently cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes. Though he didn't say it out, his eyes spoke everything…..he is feeling sorry for his possessiveness. At least she thought.