How is the enemy

After thirty minutes…

Jean stopped at Aria's villa…

Jean's face drenched with sweat and her face etched in tension. She never expected something like this might happen.

Alecia(Aria's stylist and Jean's subordinate in charge of her security) rushed to Jean as soon as she exited her heart.

She is afraid….terrified…shaken for what might have happened.

"Madam, someone tried to poison Aria's medicines. But luckily we found it out before she consumed it" Alecia stuttered a little.

After having a bachelor party in restaurant with her colleagues. Aria fell sick with indigestion and vomits.

At First Jean got horrified thinking it might be a assault from the enemies, but Mia made it sure that it was nothing but a normal uneasiness.

She prescribed some medicines to use after breakfast and it is where they tried to poison her. Thank god that Alecia decided to be more cautious…she fed the medicines to dog and it is where they became lucky.