Nathan's past 2

"No Aria, it is the reason he love you. I am telling you the truth, it was the first time he smiled in that half year. When me and Scott saw him like that we are ecstatic. As we thought he started becoming normal again because of you. Thank you Aria…you don't know how much it mean to us"

Aria pursed her lips but a happy smile etched again.

"He didn't tell you about this Aria. I know that it feels bad but believe me it is not because he don't want to. He tried many times…but he don't want to hurt you. He loved Kiara…it is true but she is his past and you are his future and life. He love you so much that he started over thinking…he is afraid you will leave him." Jean let a small laugh.

"Yes, it is stupid. But you are the one who told me that love is stupid. Just like I can't open up about somethings with Scott...For Nathan, Kiara is that past he can't muster up his courage to reopen the wounds you healed"

Jean smiled but a tear slowly made its way down her flushed face.