Too jealous...

Scott tightened his grip on Jean's waist as he whispered to her. "The girl in red off shoulder dress is looking too sexy….isn't she Jean." His voice is calm but in same time it is seductive.

Jean gulped her saliva. How did he find out that it is her….for gods sake he didn't even glance at the cover for more than five seconds. She didn't tell him about this as she knew he will eat vinegar once he will get to know.

"Hehe….think so. I wonder who she is?" Jean chuckled awkwardly.

Scott shifted closer to Jean and smirked inside. 'Not even confessing now. Two can play a game, baby' he thought.

"Look at her legs. Aren't they too slender and flawless. Her waist is so slim and her neck have a perfect curve….she is beautiful. I have also been wondering how many people would be admiring her body and perfect curves now" Scott said in indifferent tone.