He lost...

"Enough is enough guys. Here is our plan" Scott started telling his super duper plan not even aware that it is exactly what Daisy offered her gay friends.


"Don't get angry Jean. I have a huge crush on your fiancé…so….she promised us a deal" he chuckled and licked his lips. "All of us here have our crushes on the respective partners of with whom we are dancing"

Jean giggled. "What is the deal" Jean raised her eyebrow and asked happily.

"If they come and stop us from dancing with you girls, Daisy said we can have a selfie with them. Including this, as she is the one helping you to get spokesperson for some MNC'S she promises us that she would recommend us to our crush's companies. In that way we can see them everyday" he explained.

Jean laughed heartily as Simon joined her and laughed. "Good, all the best then" she said and continued laughing.