Nathan got bullied by Kiara

Jean blushed just for her and giggled. "Well, I am engaged. And I am living together so it is quite common" Jean whispered.

Kiara looked at the person who wrapped his arm around Jean's waist. "Oh….so he is your dashing fiancé. Baby he is too sexy….mind sharing haa" she winked.

Jean hit her with pillow and shook her head 'No'. But Scott is already aware of this naughtiness because this is how she acted when they first met.

"You have your boyfriend there. He is eating vinegar" Jean pointed her chin to Daniel who started pouting.

"Oh baby…Sorry but for that... " she blew a kiss to him.

Daniel, Aria and Seline are dumbfounded. Is she this naughty…no wonder these people love her so much.

She is like a spring bringing hapiness...

"So....Mr. Handsome. Do I know you before." Kiara asked as he looked at Scott from his head to toe.

"Well, Like always you can call me Scotty or BIL. Yes, we became good friends and you have helped me a lot to make her fall for me" Scott chuckled.