Next to my door...

"I said that my boyfriend is my boss" Hope blushed.

Enrick almost lost his balance and tumbled listening to it..

"Are you nuts Hope. How can you use my name. Did you loose your mind" Enrick deadpanned and he almost shouted.

But magically he didn't feel this hostile towards her. And unknown to him, he is already slowly falling for her.

He like how she interacts, be carefree and naughty. She is a lively girl with full of playfulness and positive vibes.

But contrary to her, his life is full of threats and danger. He must be vigilant every time and also have to put a cold and aloof mask to mold himself as perfect leader.

What if she have to sacrifice everything after coming into his life. He remembered Danielle who is now surrounded by almost twenty to thirty bodyguards where ever she goes.