Be a damn man already

Enrick is now sitting in his brother's study room, sighing while getting scolded. He neither denied nor refuted, but stayed calm. Because he deserves it.

"Rick, how can you be so irresponsible. Why did you ask all your teams to not follow you to country A. Because of this, the paparazzi got the pics of all of you" his big brother sighed.

"Now, you have also dragged Hope into this." His brother shook his head.

Rick instantly paled, yes, how can he forget about Hope. His worse nightmare to came true, what if any of his enemies target her.

He couldn't bear it....she have never faced any problems in her life. She is sensitive and also naïve because of her parents pampering.

"Brother, aren't these pictures wiped away by one of your tech people? Do you think some might have seen them" Rick panicked.

"They did Rick. But it is already late, I think some of our enemies might have seen them" his big brother shrugged.