Acting as a employee

"But your mother is also a council member" Jean's shocking voice trailed off. 

Enrick nodded. 'She died trying to save your mother' he wanted to tell her but he knew that this is not the right time. 

"Yes, she is a Braxton but also a council member. Her best friend is one of the council founder and she found out how inhumane some of her family members are, so she helped her friend and in meanwhile she fell in love with my dad who is a council leader" Enrick smiled. 

"So, you were saying that Elder Wright will stop targeting INA if I solve this problem without the help of any companies related to council" Jean asked. 

"Simply yes. But you also have to pretend that you don't know that Hermes are the one who did this to your company" Rick explained. 

"But Jean don't try to find the mole using your normal technique. It will be too difficult for us to find. I suggest you to disguise as one of the employee and dig from Inside" he suggested.