Jeff found out who Jasper is to him.

When Jean woke up it is almost evening. She couldn't help but curse Scott…for god's sake this is their first anniversary and she don't want to spend all day rolling on her bed. 

She wanted something memorable and romantic. Though she is feeling blissful by the recent events, she expected something more than this. Like going to their favorite place or to a sea drive like they did previous year. But not getting monopolized in this house..

Scott who just entered her room smiled seeing her sulking face. He exactly know what she is thinking now… 

"You woke up too soon" Scott teased her and sat beside her. How could she think that he will not celebrate their first anniversary. 

Of course he just made her too busy in sleeping so he can prepare for it. 

"Fine, I am going back to sleep then" Jean rebuked and flipped to opposite side ignoring her aching waist.