You failed all the tests Jeff

"Wifey, aren't you feeling bored. Let's wrap up this party then….and this is our first night after the first anniversary so this should be special for both of us"

For gods sake can't he see that she is tired. Well not really so tired but just a little bit. This little party with her close one's made her refreshed and energetic like before. 

She really have to thank Scott for bringing all her busy friends and preparing this for her. But she know the best way to thank him… 

"Yeah, it should be special for us. Let's end the party…." Jean smiled seductively making Scott instantly turned on. 

Scott kissed her lips and wanted to deepen it but Jean separated her from him. "Jasper is still here, he is young to witness this" saying so she stood up from his lap and took Jasper's hand. 

"We will meet again really soon little brother…but for now your sister in tired and want to rest. So…for now bye" Jean planted a kiss on his cheek and hugged him.