Scott became too strict!

Girlfriend…..for gods sake he is just twelve years old. 

'He is indeed advanced than any one of us…WOW' Jeff thought. 

Jean continued her coughing while Scott patted her back to comfort her from coughing more. She is totally in shock and so as Jeff.

"Bye Jasper, meet you tomorrow in school" Linda giggled and waved her hand. She looked amused…

"Bye Linda" he chuckled and waved his hand.

"Sister Jean did you like my girlfriend" he asked as soon as Linda walked away. 

Jean didn't understand whether to laugh or cry. What should she tell? 

"Ahh….hmm…..she is cute Jas. You will be good friends" Jean made sure that she neither agreed nor denied. 

Scott smirked and continued selecting different fruits for Jean to increase her stamina, according to him she is getting exhausted in even a little span of time. And he didn't like it.. 

Jasper pouted and his brows furrowed. Did his sister approve his girlfriend or not?