The main culprit of the leak...

The next morning, as like always Jean is so reluctant to wake up and go for meeting. But her company had faced the same problem all again. 

But this time it didn't impact much because they have stayed alert. However, they can't ignore the moles lurking in the company. 

She sighed and detangled herself from Scott's embrace, who is fast asleep hugging her like a koala bear. Though her body is aching all over she didn't have any option but to drag herself into the bathroom to freshen up. 

After having a hot shower she felt little better from all those aching. She dressed herself in black skirt and white camisole but before getting ready, she decided to have a quick breakfast before Scott wakes up and pester her to have 'healthy' food. However she sobbed after seeing their bed empty. The devil woke up…