As a suprise for his whole family

Even before they could start eating, Jean felt nauseous. Just like this morning she had a sudden urge to puke. 

Closing her eyes for a brief moment she breathed in and out. "Honey, what's wrong?" Scott asked worriedly. 

"Hmm….nothing. I was just feeling exhausted and want to sleep" Jean said. 

She is already taking a mental note of when her last period was. Yes, there are high chances that she might be pregnant or else this nauseous feeling should be because of food or her usual symptoms of migraine. 

Today has been little anxious and shocking day because of Evan. And because of that pressure her head started to ache, a primary symptom of migraine. 

"She might be exhausted Scott. We really had a very tough time today" Helen said and Scott nodded his head. 

"Mom, I will take Jean upstairs and we will have our lunch there itself." Scott said.