Why is Edward Wright calling to her personal number??

"Screw you Scott. Me and Jeff are dying here how to cancel the engagement that is about to happen next month and here you are provoking me. Seriously I can't marry Jeff" she said sadly.

"Because we never felt something apart treating each other like a brother and sister" Jeff sighed. 

"And the other problem here is Elder Valdez don't like anyone who works in military and anything related to it" Iris continued. 

"It is because my grandfather's elder sister died in military while his younger sister whom they adopted from their distant uncle married a military chief and eloped with him. Later she became a widow" Jeff explained. 

'And your mother followed her aunt's steps and got tangled up in a mess with Braxton's' Rick thought but didn't dare to tell. 

Luke, Mia's boyfriend patted her back comforting her. As Iris rubbed Jeff's back soothing his tension. 

Jean frowned unhappily seeing her new brother and new best friend Iris worry.