Scott's deep emotions for Jean

Scott entered Jean's room just to see the doctors still working on his wife. One of them is piercing IV DRIP to her back of the palm while other is operating something belong to the ventilator. 

As soon as he saw his wife lying motionlessly on the big bed his heart almost stopped and his insides started squeezing as if someone are choking him to his death. 

Her face looked pale and there is a bandage wrapped on her forehead. She even have her left arm bandaged above her elbow while small scratches are visible then and there. 

 He simply couldn't bear to see her like that and he badly wanted to go out of the room otherwise he knew he will die looking at her like that. 

His eyes turned red with anger as he remembered the prime cause of this condition of her. He will not leave them alone and his heart is in rage to take the revenge but he knew what he should do now.