Scott found out who Jasper is...

"You remember joining in council right. It isn't a mere coincidence or something that happened naturally. It is actually well planned to make you guys join it" Rick started telling. 

"You might know Jean from five years by now. But I know her since the day she is born. And Kiara is not someone to me, she is my cousin and she didn't meet Jean just because they became roommates, they met because they have to." 

Scott sighed. Another surprise….WOW. 

He is getting many birthday surprises about his wife. First…she is a Valdez, second….Rick knows her from her birth. Ahhh….he started eating vinegar all over again. 

Third…..Kiara became Jean's friend because she have to…..but of course thee prime factor here is she cares a lot for Jean. That is all he want. 

Rick sighed looking at Scott's face. This is indeed a shocking news.