Three turned four, but two of them are in critical condition..

Who is he to her?

She tried to remember but sharp pain in her head made her almost scream. Her eyes teared and she fainted again…

The nurses panicked and hurried out to call the doctors. However Rick stopped them and checked his cousin's condition with the help of Mia. 

After all, the serum they used have disadvantages and they have to analyze the situation before making a alternative way for her to stay like before. 

Remembering Nathan now in this situation will be the worse thing that will ever happen in her life.

How will she bear it when her husband(Nathan) is married to other woman who is currently pregnant. 

"Kiara is remembering" Scott muttered just enough for Rick and Mia to listen. 

"I saw some slight changes in her facial expressions when I was talking about Johann. Your serum is not that effective" Scott continued.