I am Jeff...Jean's twin brother

But when she saw what it is she started crying while cupping her mouth…

It is a ultrasound report. 

She looked swiftly at Scott whose unwavering attention is on Jean with his hand gently caressing her stomach and looked back at the report. 

She flipped the page and her hand froze. 

Her granddaughter is really pregnant…

The next page of the document is not a report but a scan. Her hand skimmed on the white pea like dot on the scan. 

This little dot is going to evolve into a tiny grandchild. How good it feels to imagine a tiny baby. It is sad that she didn't see Jean's early babyhood because her son Jonathan brought his wife home when Jean is around one year old. 

Seeing the strange behavior of his wife, Elder Grey looked at the source which caught his wife's attention. And when he realized what it is he is even more stunned. 

Jean is pregnant….

He is becoming great grandfather.