After a week...

The next day Kiara woke up with her head aching. At first she doesn't want to wake up at first but with the warmth that was emanating from the person sleeping beside her she felt very peaceful and couldn't help but wake up. 

She didn't remember the dreams she got but she is certain of one thing. 

Daniel has always been with her no matter what. He was always with her in her lowest times….

He is her savior and her life now. 

Smiling warmly she snuggled closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Daniel chuckled but instantly woke up after realizing that his wife woke up. 

"You are awake." Daniel said as he caressed her cheek. 

Kiara didn't tell anything but buried her face in crook of his neck and nodded. "Good morning husband" she mumbled.