Jeff I got a dream that we are twins.

"Scott, is our baby fine?" 

Here he is worrying about her and the first thing she ask is this. 

He couldn't help but feel jealous….extremely jealous. 

She has been sleeping till half month and the first thing she could ever think of is about the baby in her womb. 

Can't she at least give him a face by showing least concern. A simple 'How are you' would have been enough for him to quench his jealousy. 

This little brat inside his wife's womb has already snatched his first place even before it could come out into this world. 

How can he be not jealous….

No human can act calm when their beloved is being snatched away…..

However he is not a type of person to accept his defeat before even the battle begins. 

He quickly wrote up his agenda in his mind. 

1. Defeat Jasper and Jeff 

2. Make them the personal nannies of the baby (So he could have his wife at night without any disturbances)