Are you both thinking me as a baby generating machine!!

After talking for a while, the trio went back to hospital to have Jean undergo full body check up along with ultrasound to ensure that baby is fine. 

As Jean is almost six weeks now there will of course be a development of the baby inside her. And of course they all are curious to see how the baby is evolving. 

This time even Jeff accompanied his sister to look at his nephew(Only to provoke Scott. But deep inside he prayed for niece). 

"Baby, see our princess" Scott said as the doctor showed them the baby in the screen. 

"Baby sis, see my nephew" Jeff intentionally provoked Scott. 

"Hey, it's a girl. Not a 'brat'" Scott instantly retaliated. 

"Are you afraid to have a boy" Jeff mocked. 

"Why will I? And why should I?" Scott frowned. 

Meanwhile the doctor is utterly shocked to see the two most formidable persons bicker like a kids.