Wedding ceremony

What could be more humiliating and embarrassing than this. 

What will her grandmother's will tell if her babies ask them how they me their mother…..

 'Oh? About that…ahem….we cant tell you now. Grow up and ask us, then we might tell you' 

What could be more embarrassing than this… 

While Jean blushed red, Scott's eye darkened.

Her luscious swollen lips, teary eyes and red face made him dive for another kiss but Jean pulled him away that he fell beside her. 

With their blanket covering them, Jean hid under it. 

Madam Valdez is different from her other grandparents. 

She is one of her role model, her professor and also the principal of her university. 

So before she became her grandmother, she is her teacher and higher up. 

Being sighted like this will of course make her even more embarrassed than normal.