Mysterious teams...

Scott sighed. "I am not going anywhere Jean. I will stay with you. So please open the door" he requested her. 

Hell! How can he leave her like this and go. Especially when she is angry and sick.. 

He will surely die with worry.

"No need of your kind gestures Mr. Summers. I am a doctor who can do this even more better than you. Just please continue with your work, and please don't bother about me" Jean shouted back but her voice shivered making it too evident that she is crying. 

This made Scott even more sad. He knew he had hurt her a lot by continuously rejecting her request to accompany him. 

"Baby, I am really sorry. Please come out and if you want I will take you to country A just like you wanted" Scott caved in. 

As she is this hurt he decided to make his lie come true. He will just take her back to country A and will stay in his company by pretending that he is in meeting.