Think something different...

"Hmm….I want to place my head on my big brother's lap and sleep" Jean asked rather cutely. 

Only if Scott would have seen and listened this…..he would have probably died with jealousy. 

Whereas Jeff is ecstatic after listening what his baby sister asked. She looked too cute and this made him imagine how good it would have been if they would have shared this type of sweet moments in their childhood. 

He is so sure that he would have spoiled her rotten with his pampering and doting. He would have probably never allowed turmoil even to reach her shadow. 

"Sure baby sis." Jeff chuckled and sat down before placing a puffy pillow on his lap. Jean giggled and kissed his cheek. 

"Why didn't you come earlier in to my life. I really missed having such a caring brother like you…" Jean pouted as she slumped on to the couch and placed her head on the pillow.