Valdez's history with Braxton's...

"Is it Braxton's?" Elder Valdez seriously asked. 

He knew what this council is but he is yet to know who is the founder of it is…

Poor old man still doesn't know how powerful his daughter is.

Meanwhile Scott who is seeing his team from upstairs railing frowned internally. 

How do he know this...

It took them some solid days to find out that this Johann was once connected to Braxton's…

If Elder Valdez is this obvious with his guess, then there should be some history between these families…

"Well, partially you are right grandfather. However it is not Braxton's but a leach named Johann…." Scott said and he quickly started typing some series of codes….

He is trying to find a connection between Valdez's and Braxton's….

Meanwhile after listening to that name, Elder Valdez frowned and his face darkened with anger. 

When Sophia 'died' twenty six years back he didn't just leave it thinking it as accident…