Before she became your wife she is my cousin sister

In a swift movement, Raymond turned around and pounced on Scott so that the sniper will fail to kill his target. 

Raymond's team swiftly got alert and the snipers belonging to Raymond teams quickly zoomed on the person who tried to kill Scott, but that person is long gone…

After seeing their boss saving this person, they figured it out that they are not enemies but someone very important to their boss Raymond. 

However Scott's team continued their calm selves making Raymond's team frown in confusion. Why are they staying quiet and reckless even after their boss here almost got killed. 

Meanwhile, almost at the same time when Raymond and Scott landed on the ground due to Raymond's pouncing, Scott quickly and loudly spoke… 

"Don't shoot that sniper." 

"Idiot, he tried to kill you and you want me to leave him alive. What will I tell my little sister and my niece's if something would have happened to you…..huhhh" Raymond shouted.