He fell hard on the floor

Meanwhile in midnight the door creaked open and the extremely exhausted person entered the room. 

Scott looked at his wife who is curled up on the bed while hugging her pillow. She even tightly wrapped herself in the thick blanket and is pouting even in her sleep.

She would have been cursing him as she slept…

Seeing her pale face and fragile body, his eyes softened and became warm as he caressed her cheeks. 

He simply missed her too much and he knew that she is still pissed on him. He frankly didn't understood how to pacify her without telling her the truth. 

Sighing deeply he kissed her pouting lips ever so gently and went to bathroom to fresh up before joining her on the bed. 

He slowly removed the pillow and laid back on the tiniest space on her right side. 

"Good night baby" Scott kissed her forehead and caressed her cheeks. 
