I am here to meet my niece

Adam never thought his niece would lead such a happy and luxurious life she is living now. He never thought she would find herself a pampering husband and doting family. The villa he is seeing now is one of the next kinds and he couldn't even get near to it. There was a lot of security surrounding the house and they didn't even allow him to take a step near to it. 

He is now waiting in his Audi, as Scott's security team are making a call to their boss to ask for permission to let him enter this magnificent villa of his niece and her husband. He felt like a fly compared to Scott and his family.


 Scott is busy in dressing his wife so he could allow his little brother in law inside. After adjusting her blanket and kissing her forehead, Scott made his way outside. Even before he could make his wife downstairs, he received a call from his security team.