Want to talk to Jean in private

"As you saw my wife is happy and totally fine, I think you found out what you wanted. It's time for my wife to sleep" Scott said and Jean smirked internally. 

He is very protective of her. As she wanted to tell the same thing,  he voiced out her decision because he didn't  want her uncle to blame Jean or tell something that might displease get. 

Meanwhile, Adam is flabbergasted by how rude Scott acted. However, he knew why Scott is acting this hostile, he after all humiliated his pampered and doted wife not once but many times. 

Acting like this is not at all surprising…...

But Adam stuttered with his words. He didn't expect this crude hospitality from them.

"Well, I actually wanted to talk to Jean in private" he finally told his main reason. 

Scott raised his eyebrow and stood up with Jean's hand in his. Jean sighed and shook her head sideways slightly.