Visiting her childhood home after long back

Jean opened her eyes and looked at him with amusement. "Football team? When did it start" she asked as she started drawing random designs on his chest. 

"Hmm…. I have that fantasy since long but I started giving a thought to it after one particular incident…. hmmm…. not one but many" Scott said as he wrapped his firm hands around her waist. 

Jean laughed at his funny antics. "What is that incident that made you to think be as baby generating machine" she teased but she missed to notice the dark ripples that are engulfing her husband's eyes with lust. 

"It happens when I see you like this" Scott said and roughly tugged the blanket away. Jean yelped at his abrupt change of mood and even before she could protest Scott pinned her under him and kissed the soft spot of her neck before biting it. 

Jean felt exposed and shivered due to the chilly weather but soon the heat emanating from her husband warmed her up and her eyes misted up with want and need.