Maria denies...

"I don't know but I will fix some cameras and see this time. You are going back to your penthouse today right?" 

Jeff coughed as he heard his sister mocking him right in front of Maria. 

"Iris said you are not that bad…but I doubt so" Jean smirked as she whispered. 

Meanwhile Maria llooked at the siblings and her heart swelled with love and happiness. But in that instant she remembered something and all those happy feelings she has now just vanished into thin air. 

Sighing again she closed her eyes while her nails dug into her palms. She again looked at the twins who are laughing beside her and sighed. 

"Jeff, I have another surgery to attend in country F. It might take long do can you please take care of the current situation in the sub branch here" Maria said as she stood up. 

Jeff nodded his head and Jean smiled little awkwardly.