Seducing continues.... but....

"Thank you" she mockingly thanked before walking towards the door. 

If she predicted right, he must call her now. She is so sure because she is well aware of his jealousy levels....

In the same time, as expected, Scott hesitantly called her..

"Jean wait a minute" Scott who could not hold his growing anxiety any more than this, couldn't help but call her. 

Jean smirked again and her inner soul danced with joy. Perks of having a jealous husband….after all. 

"Hmm…what?" Jean turned around and looked at him with the same sea green eyes that captivated him all over again. 

Her hands are resting on her baby bump as she gently caressed it with her slender fingers… 

Scott's hands couldn't help but itch to caress it, while his tongue became withered craving for her kiss…

He regret calling her now…

If he fails to keep up his self control, his effort to wait till their honeymoon will go into drain….