Braxton's history

"Come fast…hon" he kissed her forehead and asked Seline to help her. 

After his wife is out of his sight, Scott walked to the table where his father's best friend is sitting. 

He is one of the four who ruled the underworld...

"Scott…I am waiting for you" he said and dragged a chair out, gesturing Scott to sit. 

"Well, uncle I decided. My answer is yes" Scott answered. 

"Wow! That's good news Scott. I have been waiting for you to take the position. But I almost thought you will decline because of the same reason your father gave me on his wedding day" he laughed. 

He is truly happy that the next generation are willing to continue the secret legacy…

Summers have been declining the position since two generations and everyone came to a conclusion that they are pulling off their roots from underworld. But Scott's arrival will strengthen their roots again.