I will announce my position as CEO...

"Sorry to disturb you guys but it is not at all fine here. Shawn and Helen …" she sighed. 

"Their photos and their pictures got leaked. As INA and Summer Enterprises are rivals, their alliance has caused a huge uproar in business world" she explained. 

"Ahh…. That's bad" Scott muttered. He couldn't help but remember when he got exposed as CEO of Cyphers. That was really bad that he has to step out from shadows and announce his ownership. 

But now it will be even worse because the public will start thinking more usual and spread rumors…

"It's really bad Scott. People started blaming this is a betrayal. As the both companies are rivals and has many other companies siding up with them, they are thinking that INA and Summer Enterprises formed an alliance behind their backs to destroy them. It is very worse that your father and Helen started getting continuous calls from their partnership companies" she explained.