Best daughter in law

"OK bro. Will you be fine with a boy and a girl" Shawn asked rubbing his forehead. Helen's is so calm as she saw the childish banter of her new family. She never encountered such a cute family and happy talk like this… 

Her family is never like this….

"No….I only want girls. NO boys" Scott said. 

Jean rolled her eyes and looked at her husband. She leaned closer and whispered. "Do you want to sleep in the guest room for the next few weeks Scott. If you don't want to spend sleepless nights you better not utter these words again" 

Scott instantly sealed away his lips and pouted sadly. He don't want to sleep without making love to his wife…not even for a single day of this next three months. 

Others busted out laughing seeing him like this. 

Jean really knows how to wrap him around her little finger. 

Meanwhile Helen teared up a little. This environment around them is too happy and overwhelmed with love and care for each other.