Jean Grey is the CEO!!!

Soon the presentation started and they couldn't see her but listen to her voice. The light is not yet turned on yet…

Her voice is melodious and at the same time…. strong, calm and silent. It gave a powerful vibe and all of them are mesmerized by it. She has a knack of manipulating people and it is what exactly she needed. 

As they continued listening to the objectives and the projects INA would be doing this year, most of the business delegates quietly listened, occasionally talking with the other directors of their company. 

They just wanted to see if they could invest into that project along with INA. The projects that INA is having in its pockets are really interesting and at the same time profitable.

After almost thirty minutes the presentation ended and everyone couldn't help but give a full round of applause. All of them are clearly impressed with INA as well as its CEO. Now, they have understood why it was one of the top most company in country X.