Jean's anger skyrocketed

His wife is deadliest when compared to his friend's wife's. They never agreed to it when he use to tell it. Now he is facing her wrath…

"Then…. we will do one thing. As I couldn't comprehend from where should I start, I will leave it for others who are idly waiting for you in your family mansion" Raymond said as he chuckled nervously.

Jean couldn't help but raise her hands up in frustration. "Then drive fast. Why are you driving like a snail?" Jean shouted. Her mood swings clearly skyrocketed because of this boy. 

"Hey…. you are acting like an old woman now. Always complaining" Jeff who is not at all experienced in handling pregnant women and their mood swings touched the most sensitive taboo that should be followed when pregnant woman is around…. their age. 

"I am complaining…. When did I complain? I am just telling him to drive fast" Jean shouted and glared at her brother.