Back to country A

As soon as Jean woke up she rubbed her eyes and frantically looked around the large room. 

Why is she not sleeping in their bedroom in their home in country X. 

She asked her husband to take her back to their home so she can take rest. But why is she in a unknown bedroom. 

Is this another house belonging to her father or is she kidnapped!

The last thought made her panic and she swiftly take off the blanket before trying to stand up. 

However, she looks quizzically at her dress. She is wearing her husband's button down shirt. 

"Easy love. Don't panic…we are in our new house" Scott chuckled and kissed her head from behind. 

"I almost thought I got kidnapped. Thank god" Jean sighed in relief and melted in her husband's embrace. 

"Silly, how will you get kidnapped when I am with you all the way to here. Do you think I will let anyone touch my wife while I am still breathing" he chuckled and caressed her head.