Baby boy or girl?

Jean nodded her head and her dry lips trembled. "Very much." 

"I am sorry" Even Scott couldn't see her like this. Though her contractions stopped for a little while, the pain she is going through is too obvious that it made Scott feel very heavy in his heart. 

"Then decrease my punishment sessions. Otherwise I will not let you touch me again….it fucking hurts" Jean hissed as she tightly wrapped her fingers around his wrist.

Another contraction is building up and Jean couldn't help but shriek because of the pain. 

"Mia, why are you waiting still. Can't we just take this little brat out" Scott asked. He is now worried if Jean will totally ban him from entering their bedroom, if she go through anymore pain because of those little brats of him inside. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Summer's….it is not our choice when to take them out. The baby should come out by itself" Mia rolled her eyes.