I already said you so

They discussed everything they have to do and then Edward and Julian went back. It's almost evening and baby need to be fed. 

While they were talking, Her grandmother brought the baby back. His health is by god's grace totally fine and he just have to be vaccinated just like every child. 

As he was sleeping too soundly Jean just held him to her bosom for sometime and asked Scott to make him sleep in his baby bed. 

After everyone left the new parents all alone Scott sighed in relief. At least now he can have his wife all to himself. 

"How are you feeling now. Still sore?" Scott asked as he sat beside her and enveloped her in his arms. 

"It still hurts" Jean pouted. She was already used to his shameless words so she didn't react much.  

Scott chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Are you angry on me, baby" Scott asked out of no where.