The war is approaching

"I didn't listen. What did you say?" Scott asked. 

"How should we lure him. He should not know that we are laying a trap for him" Edward said. 

"I was telling earlier that we should use the same methods he use. Fooling the people" Scott said. 

"But how? By now he would have found out almost everything and we can't trap him now itself. After Jean is relieved from her bed rest and everyone else are sent to safe places it is only when we can concentrate on our plan" Julian said. 

Elder Braxton stayed calm as he saw all of them working together. He already asked his people to arrange a meeting with all the loyal followers of him. If he give assurance they will wordlessly follow Julian rather than supporting his other son. 

"Actually me and Jean talked about it yesterday night" Scott said. 

"Yeah…yeah. What can you do at night more than talking. So sad that Jean is in bed rest….poor you" Edward teased.